Review the Five Qualities Confucius Said Gentlemen Should Have

18 Qualities of a Superior Man According to Confucius

confucius quote

By Mani M

Confucius was an aboriginal and wise Chinese philosopher (built-in in 551 BC) whose teachings heavily influenced and still continue to influence the Chinese society (and fifty-fifty societies all around the world). In many ways, Confucius was to the Chinese, what the likes of Socrates and Aristotle were to the western earth.

Some of the virtues that Confucius preached were politeness, compassion, good manners, loyalty, respect, integrity, altruism, humaneness, and social harmony. He also strongly believed in the Gilt rule, 'Practise unto others equally y'all would take them do unto you.'

The philosophy of Confucius, known equally Confucianism is a set up of ethical and moral codes for living a peaceful, harmonious and productive life. To this twenty-four hours, Confucianism is followed every bit a way of life past many in China. Some fifty-fifty follow it as a religion.

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18 qualities of a superior man/woman

At that place is a lot we can larn from the wise teachings of Confucius and in this article nosotros are going to look at what Confucius idea are the qualities of a superior homo.

Throughout his teachings, Confucius seems to indicate out the nature and qualities of a superior man/adult female. He uses the Chinese term 'Junzi' to refer to a superior man which basically translates to a 'wise, courteous and honourable person. This commodity is a collection of 18 such qualities that according to Confucius makes a superior human being.

It is to be noted that these are not in any way gender specific. The term 'Man' here is used for simplicity and to denote both genders.

And so according to Confucius, a superior man is…

ane. Is modest

"The superior man is modest in his spoken language, only exceeds in his deportment." - Confucius

Inference: A superior human does not waste his energy in cocky praise, gossip or loose talk. What others call back of him means less to him. Instead he focuses his attention on working and getting things done.

ii. Sees the good in all

"The nobler sort of man emphasizes the expert qualities in others, and does not accentuate the bad. The junior does." - Confucius

Inference: A superior man tries to come across the good in others instead of focusing on the bad. He makes people around him feel empowered past helping them run into the good in them. An inferior man on the other mitt is keen on pinpointing the bad qualities in others and is a negative influence to be around.

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3. Has a calm and steady mind

"The noble-minded are calm and steady. Little people are forever fussing and fretting." - Confucius

Inference: A superior person understands themselves and their heed through years of self reflection and contemplation. Hence they take control over their mind. They are not unduly swayed by the thoughts arising in their mind. Instead, they know how to let these thoughts get without powering these thoughts with their attending. And this is what makes them calm and steady.

four. Finds beauty in the mutual

"A common man marvels at uncommon things. A wise human being marvels at the commonplace." - Confucius

Inference: In conscious observation, the superior man finds dazzler even in the most ordinary things. And hence, he is not in abiding pursuit of novel experiences as an junior man does.

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v. Goes beyond knowledge and seeks wisdom and understanding

"Knowledge is merely brilliance in organization of ideas and not wisdom. The truly wise person goes beyond noesis." - Confucius

Inference: The ordinary man accumulates knowledge and is concerned with facts and information. But a superior human is keener on observing and agreement things from a deeper perspective. They do not become a slave to their noesis; instead they use their knowledge as a tool for deeper understanding.

six. Knows that he knows

"He Who Knows And Knows That He Knows Is A Wise Man - Follow Him; He Who Knows Not And Knows Not That He Knows Not Is A Fool - Shun Him" - Confucius

Inference: A foolish person is someone who thinks that he knows everything fifty-fifty though that is not the case. A wise man on the other hand knows what he knows and hence he also knows what he does not know. This is why a wise person keeps an open up heed and is ever open to learning.

7. Seeks fulfilment within

"What the superior human being seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others." - Confucius

Inference: A superior human tends to look within and seeks fulfilment within himself. He knows that everything he wants is available right within him and hence he does not endeavor to seek that in others.

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8. Chooses what is right over turn a profit

"The superior man understands what is correct; the junior man understands what will sell." - Confucius

Inference: All that an inferior homo is concerned about is survival. He does not care for what is right or wrong every bit long as he can make coin to survive. A superior man on the other mitt has integrity. His stands for what he believes in and does non compromise on his core values.

9. Is self aware

"He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior." - Confucius

Inference: A person who has conquered himself is no longer an unconscious slave to his mind and body. He is not lost in his egoic identity or his thoughts. His subconscious beliefs do not control him. Instead, he is conscious and awakened. He controls his mind and uses his mind as a tool to reach his highest goals and ideals.

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x. Doesn't accept sides and stands for what is right

"A superior human being in dealing with the globe is not for anything or against anything. He follows righteousness every bit the standard." - Confucius

Inference: A superior man does not bring together one squad or the other. He is free from the herd mentality. He does non have sides and instead chooses to remain neutral. The only thing he sides with is what feels right in accordance with his morals and values.

11. Associates only with the right people

"When a person should be spoken with, and you don't speak with them, you lose them. When a person shouldn't be spoken with and you speak to them, you waste product your breath. The wise do not lose people, nor do they waste their breath." - Confucius

Inference: A superior man does not waste product his time and free energy arguing with or teaching people who do non have the capacity to understand what he has to say. Instead, they like to spend their fourth dimension wisely past associating simply with those who match their level of consciousness.

12. Is costless From pride

"The superior man has a dignified ease without pride. The mean man has pride without a dignified ease." - Confucius

Inference: A superior man is not controlled by his ego or egoic identity. Therefore they are free from pride and yet they conduct themselves in a mode that demands respect. The ordinary person on the other hand is completely i with his ego and hence is controlled by lower emotions like pride, anger, detest and jealousy.

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13. Is adaptive

"As the h2o shapes itself to the vessel that contains it, so a wise homo adapts himself to circumstances." - Confucius

Inference: A superior person knows how to suit themselves to circumstances. They know when to bear witness resistance and when to get with the menses. They do not allow the circumstances to put them down; instead they utilise the circumstances to grow stronger.

fourteen. Lets his actions do the talking

"The superior human being acts before he speaks, and afterwards speaks according to his actions." - Confucius

Inference: A wise person does not waste matter their time in talking or boasting about things they are going to do. Instead they use their time in getting things washed.

fifteen. Is gratuitous from doctrines

"The noble-minded are all-encompassing, not stuck in doctrines. Little people are stuck in doctrines." - Confucius

Inference: The superior person is non a slave to his behavior and ideologies. They use their behavior and ideas when required but practise not let themselves exist used by their beliefs and ideas. They do not subscribe to doctrines and have a wide and open up mind. They have a heed that is open to ideas and information, but not a slave to either.

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16. Is apprehensive

"Hither are four of the characteristics of a superior man:— in his bear of himself, he is apprehensive; in serving his superiors, he is respectful; in nourishing the people, he is kind; in ordering the people, he is but." - Confucius

Inference: A superior man is humble, they know their self worth and value themselves but do non put themselves over others.

17. Has high moral standards

"The superior man thinks ever of virtue; the common man thinks of comfort." - Confucius

Inference: 1 of the main qualities that differentiate a superior man from others is integrity. A superior human has high moral standards and will never compromise his integrity for annihilation.

xviii. Is broad minded

"The nobler type of man is wide-minded and not prejudiced. The junior homo is prejudiced and non wide-minded." - Confucius

Inference: A superior person has an open mind and is ever open to learning. He is non controlled by his egoic identity and hence is gratuitous from all kinds of prejudices. An inferior human being on the other hand is egoic and prejudiced.

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Source of quotes: 1, 2

Writer Bio:
Mani is the founder of, a website dedicated to helping people atomic number 82 stress free lives.

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